The No. 1 goal of Lincoln Performance and Sports Medicine is to offer the highest quality of care that currently exists to earn the best possible results. To accomplish that, individualized plans are mandatory. Too often in today’s fast-paced health care profession patients are treated as protocols.

“Standard treatment plans and methods for all people at all times simply do not exist.”

Dr. Tyler Ideus

We adapt the latest research and methods to each patient and blend that with more than 25+ years of combined clinical experience — that’s our art, and we can back it up with science. We will forever continue to refine our “blueprint” for evaluating, diagnosing and treating patients.

Meet Our Team


Here is what you can expect from your LPSM experience: The Initial Visit takes approximately 1 hour and typically includes treatment; however, in more involved cases treatment may wait until the next visit. Subsequent visits take approximately 30 minutes. After more than 25 years combined in practice, our average number of visits to success is 4-8 visits. This varies depending on each individual’s case and goals.

Step 1: Evaluation

While the standard medical approach would be to collect a patient’s history before the evaluation, we prefer to keep his mind clear of any bias and allow a patient’s movements to dictate his initial thought process. The body doesn’t lie. 

For example:

  • If a person overloads a certain part of the foot while walking, a callus will form in that area.
  • If a person over uses his or her thigh muscles that cross the knee joint and insert into the front of the leg, the part of the bone that those tendons insert into will get bigger.

As we are working through your treatment plan, we will address these issues to take the stress off of the pain areas.

Step 2: The History

A thorough history is always a crucial aspect of learning about the current situation. No information in this part is bad information, and it can range from daily activities to current lab work.

Combining history with the movement evaluation allows us to make a proper diagnosis.  This is also the time when we will discuss our goals.

Step 3: The Diagnosis

An initial diagnosis will always be a part of an initial visit; however, the only way to confirm our diagnosis with 100% certainty is to see how you respond to treatment. 

In fact, response to treatment is more accurate in identifying pain generators than imaging such as x-rays or MRIs.

Step 4: The Treatment Plan

While the treatment plan — whether for getting rid of pain or improving performance — will be dictated by the individual’s goals and findings. There is a system in place that will guide the process and include either one or a combination of the following:

Passive Treatment

  • Active Release Technique (ART)
  • Dry Needling
  • Traction
  • Instrument-assisted soft-tissue such as scraping, cupping and taping
  • Class IV Laser

Skill Acquisition Rehab

We begin identifying what it feels like to correct our imbalances as well as cover movements and positions to be repeated at home for self-care.

Skill Application Rehab

We take the skills we learned and strengthened and apply them to exercises or positions that are more demanding and more closely related to our desired tasks.

Skill Strengthening Rehab

We use the exercises we learned and strengthened during the previous 2 steps and apply them in the actual task. For example, shoulder function while swimming, throwing a football or doing a back squat.

Rehab Influence

  • Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization
  • Functional Movement Systems
  • Selective Functional Movement Systems
  • Titliest Performance Institute
  • Functional Range Conditioning
  • Postural Restoration
All Services

Step 5: The Results

Results are based on each individual’s goals and needs. The results will be tracked by a combination of patient perception as well as numerical data that shows objective improvements such as force plate measurements and motion capture joint angles.

By the time we are done, each individual will also understand how to better sense and feel their body and their movements. You will have dynamic mobility exercises to stay loose and strengthening exercises to maintain tissue endurance and increase your capacity to pursue your purpose.


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